Friday, December 17, 2010

project #3 ; blog #5

The dance off was very successful! More than half of the students in the cafeteria gathered around while seven hip-hop dancers from AHS strutted their stuff.

So originally, i was going to have the contenders pick the songs randomly, but when the first two people picked their song, they didn't know it. so, to change things up to make the dance off more successful, i flipped over all the song choices, (so that they were visible to whoever was choosing it) and gave them the chance to pick their song. i felt like it was more fair and it was still from the 28 songs that i've selected. There was a freshman fella who joined last minute. someone took the song he wanted to dance too and picked another one. a few minutes later, he asked me if i had a song that he had in mind. i did, and i switched the song choice for him.

the dancers were graded on in three different categories. the scale was from 0 to 20. the first one was how much fun they had, the second was their originality, and the third was their free style ability/body language. Jared scored everyone, and so did i. i took the average of our scores combined for each person, and who ever had the top average won.

there is a winner, but i'm not sure how the prizes should go, if there should be any. the winners will be announced after break so i wont name their name here.... yet.

i felt really good about this project. more than the bowling. this project didn't stress me out because i found it fun and people actually wanted to participate. i would do this project again. no doubt!

here is a video link to the dance off. :))

1 comment:

  1. Emily,
    I looked at your video of the dance-off. I am so happy to see all of the students standing around, watching, cheering, and of course, the dancers! Congrats to you and Jared for a project well planned!
