Friday, December 17, 2010

project #3 ; blog #5

The dance off was very successful! More than half of the students in the cafeteria gathered around while seven hip-hop dancers from AHS strutted their stuff.

So originally, i was going to have the contenders pick the songs randomly, but when the first two people picked their song, they didn't know it. so, to change things up to make the dance off more successful, i flipped over all the song choices, (so that they were visible to whoever was choosing it) and gave them the chance to pick their song. i felt like it was more fair and it was still from the 28 songs that i've selected. There was a freshman fella who joined last minute. someone took the song he wanted to dance too and picked another one. a few minutes later, he asked me if i had a song that he had in mind. i did, and i switched the song choice for him.

the dancers were graded on in three different categories. the scale was from 0 to 20. the first one was how much fun they had, the second was their originality, and the third was their free style ability/body language. Jared scored everyone, and so did i. i took the average of our scores combined for each person, and who ever had the top average won.

there is a winner, but i'm not sure how the prizes should go, if there should be any. the winners will be announced after break so i wont name their name here.... yet.

i felt really good about this project. more than the bowling. this project didn't stress me out because i found it fun and people actually wanted to participate. i would do this project again. no doubt!

here is a video link to the dance off. :))

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

project #3 ; blog #4

So i have about 15 songs on the playlist right now. And im still adding more. the students that are helping with this project is Margo B., Corrigan, and Gavin. They've helped by making our posters which was really nice.

I'm helping Molly with her candy gram project which is going really well. I've helped her sell tickets when i was selling the bowling tickets. i even bought some grams for my friends while i was at it! tomorrow, i will help assemble and deliver the candy grams! i'm excited! :) i'm also helping Elizabeth O. with her talent show project. i still need to find one more person to help. i'm supposed to help driskell with his project, but i'm not sure where he's going with it. i shall check in with him tomorrow!

project #3 ; blog #3

Driving forces
  • there are students at AHS who are dancers
  • many students dance during lunch
  • it gives a mix of hip-hop into the atmosphere//hip-hop culture
  • a mixture of interests
  • upbeat, & fun
  • it gives students the chance to show themselves off and challenge others
  • students might be shy
  • students might have a hard time free-styling
  • students might want to give up or change their minds
  • one student might out do everyone else because of prior skills
  • take the competition too serious// over competitive
  • might not have enough time for every single student to strut their stuff

students might have a hard time free-styling
I think it would be a good idea to give students two choices and if they dont like one song choice, then they could choice the other. it might help the student feel more comfortable and not have them back down or out.

one student might out do everyone else because of prior skills
i'm not basing the competition on the skills part so much. i think that it might be a little unfair if there is someone who everyone knows will win and does. I would look for students who actually put a lot of effort and have fun doing the dance off.

might not have enough time for every single student to strut their stuff
i dont think any student would want to dance more than 50 seconds. its a dance off and its easy, very easy to run out of ideas when you're on a spot like that. I think that students will only use about 30 seconds, which helps with the time management. if there is time for round two, then we'll go for round two!

project #3 ; blog's 1 & 2

so i was originally planning to have this type of amazing race activity project, but as i tried to fit it in my schedule, it just didn't work out. And after the long and hard work i put in for the bowling event, i didn't think it was worth going all out again.

While i was having my thoughts on this race project, Jared S. asked me to help him on a project that had to do with hip-hop. I agreed, and then a second later, he came back and asked me if i wanted to help lead the project since he didn't know much about hip-hop. once again, i gladly agree.

We've decided to have the first hip-hop freestyle battle! (yippyyyy!) there are always a group of freshman boys who are always dancing at lunch, and i knew that they would be interested in participating. After all, every dancer wants attention for their skills every once in a while. to be noticed is great and it boosts their confidence.

Jared and i had only one day of sign ups, and it was very successful! I have a total of 7 students who signed up and i'm super pumped to start making a play list for it!

We do not have or need a mentor for this project. This is student based and teachers aren't needed, although, there are always staff in the cafeteria. this is going to happen during school grounds, on December the 16th, during lunch. students will draw from a hat filled with song titles, and that will be their song that they will have to freestyle too. Jared and I will grade them on their originality, skill and swag. We will also be looking for someone who is able to make up something fun to watch on the spot. there will be a winner, although a prize is not yet discussed.

milestone dates : as far as the dates go, Jared and I have been planning this project for about two weeks. within those two weeks, we've been making posters and thinking about songs that would be good for dancing too.

accomplishments :
  • we've gotten seven people to sign up, which is more than enough.
  • We got signs all over the school.
  • we have several song choices

Sunday, December 12, 2010

on 12/10/10, the bowling get together was a blast. Although only 20 people or so showed up, the event still went down. while selling tickets for two weeks, there wasn't a huge success at all. not many people really wanted to go or they had other things to do. this was frustrating because when i made a survey a month prior to the event, 200 students said they would be interested and would attend. Only 17 people bought their tickets! i would have like to see at least 30, but it didnt happen. at one point, i felt like all my hard work was for nothing but when i went bowling that day, i had a good time and concluded that i did it all for myself. if i could do this project all over again, i wouldn't have done a project this big. i felt as if i put so much time and effort into it, it became a stress factor and i got very little out of it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

blog #3 ; project # 2

Driving Forces
  • Fresh/new idea/ never done at AHS
  • athletic activity
  • team building
  • include both book and street smart skills
  • active
  • low participants
  • fun activity ideas
  • time/date
  • activity will take place outside (winter = cold)

Fun activity ideas: I plan to get ideas from a wide variety of students. If i have student input, i have a better chance of having fun activities that the majority of participants will want to do. something easy yet challenging, understandable, and of course, original.

Low participants : i want to have prizes for the winners, maybe that will drive students towards participating. And I think that students would enjoy different challenges. I mean, what teenager doesn't like winning a winners title?

Activity location: will be around the school. I would like to make this during those long advisory days so that everyone in the junior class has the opportunity to compete in the race.

blog # 2 ; project #2

to do list
  • get/find teams
  • think of activities
  • find partners to work with on project
  • find mentor.

bowling get together updates

So I have everything planned out. It was a lot of work and i spent a lot of time outside of class to perfect my plans.

FINAL PLANS : Dec 10th, Check in 3:45, starts at 4 - 6 pm, $8.00, Hi-Line Lanes.

blog # 1 ; project 2

I'm a fan of the amazing race! one night, when I was watching it, I kept catching myself think about how i would handle the challenges and if I had the guts and brains to complete in that type of competition. Then i thought about how cool it would be to bring the competition to my life. Create activities/puzzles for students at aviation to do. Who has what it takes to become the FIRST amazing race champion?!

so my plan would be to have teams, in pairs. (they would be able to choose their partner), and these teams would have different obstacles to complete. some of the activities that i already have in mind is a balloon toss, egg toss, sack race and three legged race. I'm still deciding whether it should be an all school race, or just between the junior class.

The objective to this project is to strengthen team building skills, use both educational smarts and street smarts while trying to stay active!

Milestone dates
November 29-10th : brain storm, ask students for their opinions
December 10th: find/have mentor
December 17 : have final plan of activities.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

proposal for lead project #1

A great way to build friendships and strengthen bonds is to get to know your peers at school. Although the students at Aviation high school are very friendly and know most people by their names, we, as students still consider most peers as acquaintances. After three years at a small school, I don’t even feel like I really and truly know the junior class. Therefore, I feel as if a social gathering will improve friendships that lack bonds and to see others outside of a learning environment. A all school bowling night get together will give students the opportunity to bond outside of school and see different sides of those they walk along side with in the hall ways.

A great community is a community that works together. To build a better community, a great advantage would to have relations with those who are in the community. After all, everyone in a community is needed to make a change; our community at Aviation includes our wonderful staff, parents and guardians, and of course, our dedicated students. Before I leave high school, I want to know that I’ve made or tried to make a change with building stronger bonds with other students and for other students. Bowling is a laid back activity that allows you to compete against others in team, which builds teamwork, develops hope and trust between teammates.

Since bowling is such an original activity that many students would love to participate in, I hope that students will take advantage of this activity to chill with friends on a Friday night. The get together is scheduled for December 10th, at Hi line lanes in Burien, which is about a 8 minute drive from our school. Tickets are being sold during lunch from the 29th to the 3rd for $8.00. Hi line lanes is charging 7.50 for each ticket, and to get a $.50 cent profit, (which will go to the Junior class account). Some of the short term goals that I have for this project is getting the word out and getting students to participate. My long term goals include students bonding with one another, whether they’re with underclassmen or upperclassmen. This get together will allow students to get to know each other on another level and bring some closer.

Coming up with ideas can be easy, but putting them into action can be a bit of a challenging. The first step that I took was to confirm the idea and find a mentor for the evening. After finding a mentor, I had to research how much it would cost to have a fundraiser at Hi Line Lanes and I had to pick a date that I thought would work for my mentor and other students. I made sure that the date I wanted didn’t interfere with any other Aviation school related event. Afterwards, I called hi line lanes and got some dates down that would work for Aviation student’s schedule and something that wasn’t booked already. After getting potential dates, I met with our bookkeeper, Bonnie and told her about my idea. She gladly agreed to help me and gave me a fundraiser form. I had to change my planned dates about 3 times because it didn’t work with my mentor or the date was already booked at the lanes. After I found a date that would work with the schedule at school and a date that wasn’t booked, I came across a problem with ASB. They had a problem with the date because on Friday the 10th, they wanted to set up for the dance and they would have liked to have students from Leadership to help set up. Plus, they were concerned about having students choose between the dance or a bowling night. They felt as if students might feel like they’re pulling out a lot at one time. They advised me to change dates for something that was a week later, but I told them I worked hard for the date I picked and I already had things schedule and I wouldn’t change the date because things were already set in stone. I would hate to have students pick between bowling or a dance, but that’s the students ultimate choice. A solution to this problem was to sell bowling tickets a week before ASB were going to sell the dance tickets.

It will be evident if this project was effective by the turn out of students who buy tickets. The success will be measure by how much fun students had during that evening. While students are getting ready to leave that night around 6, I would like to walk around and thank those who came out to the social event and ask how they liked it. For future planning, I would like to gather feed back by recording short little interviews and thinking about the comments that were made.

Students who offered to help me with this project is Karan G, and Molly. My peers will help me spread the word since we all hang out in different groups. Word will spread around faster that way. I am a great candidate for this project because I can bring originality to the table while keeping in fresh. As a student, I know how I would want a social event to go down, so I have an advantage to take my street knowledge and apply it to a project at school. Methods I’ve used with my mentors include checking in with them every two days to make sure the plans were getting confirmed and set in stone or if any changes were made. I like to stay on top of my plans and make sure I’m in control.

This project is a social event that has the potential to get students from the upper class, and underclass to interact, chill, laugh, and make memories under one roof. You may hang out with friends at school, and feel like you don’t really know who they are, this event gives students the opportunity to go out there, and discover who they’re really walking along side with at Aviation High School.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So I got a good survey of how many students would be interested in attending a bowling party. Here are some details I have gathered on Friday.


I mean, this is a good number of interest! :) so here are some of the details I know so far about this get together.
  • Hi-line Lanes
  • 2 1/2 hours of bowling
  • I'm thinking about $8 or $9 dollars for the tickets; Wana keep the prices down low!
  • If 90 tickets are sold, then we get a "ROCK & BOWL", which is when they'll turn the lights off for the 2 hours and turn on club lights and music. Now that's whats up!
My next step is to go talk to Bonnie about my plan and talk about the prices. I'm keeping the ball rolling and I don't plan to stop until this mission is accomplished!

I just recently volunteered to help Driskell with remodeling the student parking lot and painting the basketball court. I decided to help out with this project becuse I feel like this would have a good impact on our school. There is always talk about how the upperclassmen think that the parking lot is crap with all the pot holes, and they think that the money that they paid for their student pass is a waste and they feel cheated. As a student, I feel that if the school isn't stepping forward to deal with the complaints, then the students should step up and make the changes we want and need. I also volunteered to help Molly make and sell candy grams. I agreed to help her out because I originally had a idea like this; I wanted to make and sell candy roses, and maybe I could help incorporate ideas with Molly. You know what they say, two heads are better than one. I'm also very creative and I bet I'll be a huge help to Molly. :)

Sometimes you lead, and sometimes you follow

So some of the projects that I hope to lead this year include : A holiday party/get together, food drive, campus clean up and I'm thinking about having a dance session before tolo so that students have the latest swag on the dance flo!

My project that I am recently working on is the all school bowling get-together at Hi-Line Lanes and my project outline is going swell! The wonderful people who are assisting me with this project is Molly and Karan G. I'm still looking for anther person to help me out; particularly a sophomore. So if you're a sophomore in leadership, come help me out, yeah?!

So far, I have signed up to help two people with their projects : Molly, and Driskell J. Molly is planning to have this candy gram sell around thanksgiving week and I'm super stoked to be helping her with it! Driskell is planning to remodel the basketball court and the student parking lot; which is a brilliant idea!

REMINDER: I'm super open with any ideas and would love to help anyone if they need it. I'd say yes for sure if it's something during the school hours. I'll say maybe if it's not. I have a tight schedule from day to day and usually don't stay after school. But, if you need help, come see me and I'll see what I can do!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Driving forces & Barriers

Driving forces:
  • potentially bring the class of 2012 closer
  • bonding outside of school with class mates
  • At the end of 1st quarter, time to relax
  • you can see a different side of acquiescence you may have
  • Create memories
  • Show of skills to peers
  • Chill, enjoy a lay back activity
  • original while refreshing
  • everyone in the junior class at AHS is invited. no one is left out
  • Low number of participants
  • participation based on price of the tickets
  • plans and or dates won't fit with majority of students
  • People may arrive late and if the bowling alley has limited hours the tickets pay for, students won't take advantage of playing time.
  • choosing a time that suits well with majority
  • traveling distances
  • people may like the idea, though when it comes down to buying tickets, they don't.
  • word may not spread around quickly/unpopular
  • students aren't interested
  • hi line lanes isn't that nice of a hang out joint

Barriers I CAN control!

participation based on price of the tickets
One of the more important goals in this particular project is having a price range that will be affordable for everyone. For example, $10 dollars might not cost that much for "Bob", but to "Tom", $10 dollars may be over his spending limit. I would like to minimize the cost for the tickets as low as I can so that participation won't be based on the price of the tickets.

word may not spread around quickly/unpopular
A effective way to take care of this is to make posters and chose group members who don't necessarily hang out in the same group. If I ask specific group members to join this leadership project, who hang out in different crowds, it is more likely that the word will spread and more students will be interested. I also hope to make poster as well as making a event on facebook.

choosing a time that suits well with majority
Along with surveying for who is interested in this event, I would like to ask for opinions on what times would work best and what times wont. If i can narrow it down to three different times, I would like to have students choose and based on what students chose, then I would have that time arranged.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"hey, whatcha do in leadership class today?!"

Hey! I asked my fellow peers for their opinions on my event idea!

I spoke to a few juniors in leadership today, and asked for their opinons regarding when I should place the date, which bowling alley I should host the party at, who (which class) to invite, how to spread the word and how I should go about selling tickets.

After talking on and off for thirty minutes, I've came up with basic information for this bowling night. THIS MAY CHANGE.
  • Event : Bowling for class 2012
  • where : Hi-line lanes in Burien
  • when : 11/28/10
  • time : 5-7 (at least three hours or so)

After thinking about all these factors that play an important part on the number of participation of a bowling/ bonding night for the juniors, I had to decide where I should start my planning. I thought it would be most effective to go to each advisory class, tell them my idea and see who's willing to bowl the night away. After and if I get enough people to participate I will continue to make progress by : (Look under to do list)

My to do list :
  • count participation
  • research or call in Hi-Line lanes to ask for deals/prices
  • tell class of 2012 the game plan, follow by counting participation
  • settle for date & time. adjust to the crowds schedule IF DESPERATELY NEEDED.

Getting my thoughts down

Bowl the night away, baaaaaaby!

Start date : 10/18/10 - End date : 11/20/10
Event day (ideally) - 11/28/10

Milestones :

10/18/10 - Have information about prices at Hi line lanes bowling alley in Burien
10/25/10 - survey the Junior class & pick time ranges
11/1/10 - spread word
11/6/10 - make plans final.

Mentor : I don't have a mentor yet! I'm still in search of someone.

Group members : I also don't have any group members yet. Ideally, I'd like juniors to help me out with this because this event is for the junior class. If you would like to help out, please let me know! :)

My Vision : I've noticed that students in the junior class is more distance with each other than any other class. I want to bring the junior class together for this night to increase bonds and friendships.